Care Label News

What is the sewing method for washing labels

The sewing method of the water washing label involves position and process. The following is a detailed answer about the sewing method of water washed labels:
Sewing position:
General clothing: usually sewn on the back collar and swing seam inside the clothing.
Infant and toddler clothing: It should be sewn onto the surface of the clothing and should not come into direct contact with the skin, such as the middle of the back collar or the lower left and right corners of the back, to avoid harm to infants and toddlers.
Sewing process:
Genuine washed labels are often sewn with visible thread to ensure their firmness.
For infant and toddler clothing, it is recommended to fix and sew on all four sides to enhance its tensile strength and prevent it from being pulled down by infants and toddlers.
In summary, the sewing method of the water washing label needs to be selected according to the type of clothing and the wearing object to ensure that it meets both aesthetic requirements and safety standards

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